PTE Academic

The current times are difficult but the process at the PTE-Academic test center is completely safe for the test takers. You will only be allowed inside the test center after temperature check at the entrance gate. If your temperature is higher than normal you will have to reschedule your test appointment for another date. Every document will be given to you only after being sanitized. You will have to read PTE-Academic test rules agreement carefully and agree to the same while you read the document. The test administrator will sanitize the front desk chair and admission equipment for you and then only call you for verification and admission process.

 We are providing on campus and online PTE coaching classes for students/candidates who are planning to study/immigrate abroad in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, and UK.

Next, you will have to show your Valid Government issued ID like Valid Passport to the test administrator lower down your mask for a few seconds for facial identification and sign on a digital signature pad to start the admission procedure. You will be asked to remove your mask briefly so that the test administrator could take your photo and upload it on the database along with your other personal information.

You will also have to scan your palm once your photo has been clicked. After completion of the admission process the test administrator will provide you with a sanitized key of an already sanitized locker where you will have to keep your belongings. The test administrator will clean all the equipment including the keyboard mouse and audio headphones with wet sanitary tissues and arrange it neatly for you.

Once the sanitization process is done the proctor test administrator will call you one by one to take you through the security steps just to ensure you are not carrying any paper or digital device with you the proctor test administrator will then issue you exam materials the proctor test administrator will allocate lock and key the seating arrangement will be made as per the latest government guidelines of social distancing for covet 19 to ensure your safety when your exam is complete raise your hand to submit the paper to the proctor collect your belongings and leave the center follow guidelines stay safe and book your Pearson PTE-Academic test with confidence.